Samp wont start up

I have had this issue before, when you start it up if it doesn't start WAIT do not exit etc just WAIT and then it should load!

Messages In This Thread
Samp wont start up - by ,.,ChRiStIaN,., - 30.03.2012, 11:09
Re: Samp wont start up - by GamerZ 95 - 30.03.2012, 15:13
Re: Samp wont start up - by ,.,ChRiStIaN,., - 30.03.2012, 15:25
Re: Samp wont start up - by freddy smyth - 30.03.2012, 16:03
Re: Samp wont start up - by ROLRP - 30.03.2012, 16:16
Re: Samp wont start up - by ,.,ChRiStIaN,., - 31.03.2012, 06:29
Re: Samp wont start up - by ,.,ChRiStIaN,., - 31.03.2012, 09:32
Re: Samp wont start up - by freddy smyth - 31.03.2012, 09:35

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