[FilterScript] RCON Control Panel v1.0 - RCP (8 Functions)

RCON Control Panel v1.2

Note (v1.1): i have notice some bugs in RCP v1.0, you can also input a INVALID_PLAYERID and can ban/kick or whatever yourself please update your RCP to v1.1

(v1.2 BETA): Update your RCP to v1.2!

(v1.2): the bug of v1.0 has been reappeared in v1.2 gonna fix it soon!

RCON Control Panel are similar to the latest Admin System around.
but it doesn't uses any saving systems. theres no set admin/vip.
you just need to login as RCON to use RCON Control Panel.


PCP v1.0 supports:

- Skin Changing
- Infinite Health/Armour
- Kick/Ban/Slap/Explode/Akill

PCP v1.1 supports:

- New Improve OnPlayerText/OnPlayerDisconnect/OnPlayerUpdate used callbacks!
- New Improve Mute/UnMute System
- New Improve Freeze/UnFreeze System
- New Improve Warn/UnWarn System
- Now supports with Enum!

PCP v1.2 BETA Supports:

- Fixed Changing Skin Bug!

PCP v1.2 Supports:

- New Improve Spectating System Callbacks
- New Improve Server Restart = 1 minute
- New Improve Spectating Supports Interior/Player Death/Vehicle
- New Improve /spectate command
- New Improve OnPlayerDeath/OnPlayerStateChange/OnPlayerInteriorChange/OnPlayerSpawn used callbacks!
- Now supports foreach for fasting looping



• Change Skin
• Infinite Health/Armour
• Kick
• Ban
• Slap
• Explode
• Admin Kill


• Mute/Unmute
• Freeze/Unfreeze - (It uses OnPlayerUpdate so if you use /back (AFK System) while your freeze you will be turn back to frozen)
• Warn/UnWarn - (It has MAX_WARNING define)


• Spectating System
• Server Restart

Line code for MAX_WARNING define

pawn Код:
#define MAX_WARNING 3
How to use it?

1.) Go to your server
2.) type /rcon login <rconpass> check your server.cfg then look rcon_password then you will see something like

rcon_password lukaluna
type that in <rconpass> that is example only!

3.) type /rcpmenu
4.) Choose a function!
5.) Have fun!


Menu of RCON Control Panel (v1.0)

Menu of RCON Control Panel (v1.1)

Menu of RCON Control Panel (v1.2)


v1.0 bugs:

You can kick/ban etc. yourself or even INVALID_PLAYERID (Fixed in v1.1)

v1.1 bugs:

Changing Skin Bug! (Fixed in v1.2 BETA) - Thank you GAMER_PS2 for reporting bug

v1.2 BETA Bugs:

None Yet!

v 1.2 bugs:

v1.0 Bugs reappeared! Gonna fixed soon


Reklez - Scripting/Fixing Bugs
Ronaldo_raul - helping me
GAMER_PS2 - Reporting Changing Skin Bug
Zeex - zcmd.inc
****** - foreach.inc
Tee - Spectating System


Mirrors are allowed. Just PM to me your mirror links and i will put here. PM if the link is not working or if the link is dead

Mediafire - RCP v1.0 (8 Functions)
Mediafire - RCP v1.1 (14 Functions)
Mediafire - RCP v1.2 BETA (14 Functions)

Mediafire - RCP v1.2 (16 Functions) (Reappeared Bug!)

Also forgot the changelog inside the script is wrong the correct changelog is in this thread. those will be added in v1.1 Beta but they didn't, The Changelog inside the script in v1.2 BETA is fixed

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