14.11.2008, 02:09
Raptor is an admin script designed with everyone in mind. I wanted to work on a point that most other admin scripts don't work on. Ease of use. Easy to use for beginners, powerful for experts, perfect for server owners. After around 2-3 days of work, I present to the SA:MP Community, Raptor.
Expanded Details:
Raptor consists of 5 admin levels. They range from 1-4 and then 1337. 1 being the lowest while 1337 is being the server master/owner. Each admin level has it's own set of commands, which can be viewed using the command "/_raptor". Adding and removing admins is the best part, it's very simple! Each admin level has atleast 5 commands. Raptor also includes command logs, chat logs, and private message logs.
Commands [By Level]:
Level 1:
Yom Dracoblue/Mark Adler: num_hash(buf[]) code although I don't use it.
Mike: IsNumeric(string[]) code.
Don't PM me the bugs of this filterscript, instead post them here.
Got problems with the script? I'm happy to help you fix them on this topic, not on msn or PM!
Raptor is an admin script designed with everyone in mind. I wanted to work on a point that most other admin scripts don't work on. Ease of use. Easy to use for beginners, powerful for experts, perfect for server owners. After around 2-3 days of work, I present to the SA:MP Community, Raptor.
Expanded Details:
Raptor consists of 5 admin levels. They range from 1-4 and then 1337. 1 being the lowest while 1337 is being the server master/owner. Each admin level has it's own set of commands, which can be viewed using the command "/_raptor". Adding and removing admins is the best part, it's very simple! Each admin level has atleast 5 commands. Raptor also includes command logs, chat logs, and private message logs.
Commands [By Level]:
Level 1:
- /_login [pass] | Lets you login to your admin account. The "_" is in the command to help it not conflict with other login commands.
- /changepass [newpass] | Let's you change your pass. First time an admin is added, it gets a random pass which can then be changed with this command.
- /freeze [playerid] | Let's you freeze the selected player.
- /unfreeze [playerid] | Let's you unfreeze the selected player.
- /explode [playerid] | Let's you create an explosion on the player damaging and/or killing him/her.
- +Level1 commands.
- /nuke [playerid] | Let's you literally nuke the selected player.
- /kick [playerid] | Kicks the entered player with a global kick message.
- /mute [playerid] | Mutes the player so he cannot chat or send private messages.
- /unmute [playerid] | Unmutes the player so he can chat and send private messages again.
- +Level1 commands.
- +Level2 commands.
- /ban [playerid] | Bans the selected player from the server.
- /resetwep [playerid] | Resets the selected player's weapons.
- /resetmoney [playerid] | Resets the selected player's money.
- /announce [text] | Announces the entered message using SendClientMessage.
- /spawncar [modelid] | Spawns a car with the given modelid.
- +Level1 commands.
- +Level2 commands.
- +Level3 commands.
- /msgadmins [text] | Announces the entered message to admins using SendClientMessage.
- * Pixels^ slaps [playerid] | Slaps the player and sends him 30 feet in hair so he can drop back down. around a bit with a large trout.
- /akill [playerid] | Kills the selected player.
- /goto [playerid] | Teleports you to the selected player.
- /gethere[playerid] | Teleports the selected player to you.
- +Level1 commands.
- +Level2 commands.
- +Level3 commands.
- +Level4 commands.
- /stopserver | Stops the server.
- /restart | Restarts the gamemode.
- /reloadbans | Reloads the ban file.
- /kickall | Kicks all players except admins.
- /banall | Bans all players except admins.
- install | Installs the necessary files for Raptor to run.
- uninstall | uninstalls the necessary files for Raptor to run.
- addadmin [name] | Adds an admin and gives him a random temp pass. Also sets his level to 1.
- remadmin [name] | Removes an admin.
- setmaster [name] | Sets an admin to the master[1337].
- remmaster [name] | Resets a master admin to his old level.
- Money Alerts | Alerts you of any money going to the player. Also alerts you if it's suspicious or not.
- Teleport Alerts | Alerts you of any big teleports a player does.
- 1. Place Raptor.amx in your filterscripts folder.
- 2. Add Raptor to the filterscripts line in server.cfg
- 3. Open up samp-server.exe
- 4. Type "install" without the quotes.
- 5. Your done, refer to "RCON Commands" tab for on how to add/remove admins.
- 1. Type uninstall in the server console.
- 2. Your done!
Yom Dracoblue/Mark Adler: num_hash(buf[]) code although I don't use it.
Mike: IsNumeric(string[]) code.
Don't PM me the bugs of this filterscript, instead post them here.
Got problems with the script? I'm happy to help you fix them on this topic, not on msn or PM!