Cant join samp web/forum.Only with web proxy.Not living at south america.

Well hi,i live in spain n i cant join the samp website&forum if i dont use a proxy.Why?Does kye blocked/banned spain too?

PS:Spain is in europe for those america ppl who thinks its in mexico lol

Messages In This Thread
Cant join samp web/forum.Only with web proxy.Not living at south america. - by marka - 13.11.2008, 19:00
Re: Cant join samp web/forum.Only with web proxy - by d0 - 13.11.2008, 19:04
Re: Cant join samp web/forum.Only with web proxy - by marka - 13.11.2008, 19:06
Re: Cant join samp web/forum.Only with web proxy.Not living at south america. - by kaisersouse - 13.11.2008, 19:37

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