If playername is not then....

try this

PHP код:
 name[24], pname;
pname GetPlayerName(playeridnamesizeof(name));
pname == desired name here || pname == other desired name here)
// your code here

Oh and if you change your ban code to
BanEx(i, "reason"); This will savethe reason they were banned to the ban log

Messages In This Thread
If playername is not then.... - by Nicky_Newsted - 23.03.2012, 00:11
Re: If playername is not - by new121 - 23.03.2012, 00:18
Re: If playername is not then.... - by Nicky_Newsted - 23.03.2012, 00:22
Re: If playername is not then.... - by Skribblez - 23.03.2012, 00:30
Re: If playername is not then.... - by new121 - 23.03.2012, 00:31
Re: If playername is not then.... - by [KHK]Khalid - 23.03.2012, 00:33
Re: If playername is not then.... - by Skribblez - 23.03.2012, 00:38
Re: If playername is not then.... - by Jonny5 - 23.03.2012, 00:41
Re: If playername is not then.... - by Skribblez - 23.03.2012, 00:53
Re: If playername is not then.... - by Nicky_Newsted - 23.03.2012, 13:18

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