Originally Posted by Bogdan1992
Btw use this.
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { new data[100],string[500]; format(data,sizeof(data),"SELECT * FROM `User` WHERE `Username` = '%s' LIMIT 1", playername(playerid)); mysql_query(data); mysql_store_result(); new rows = mysql_num_rows(); if(rows == 1){ format(string,sizeof(string),""CWHITE"This account is already Registred\n\nUser:"CRED"%s"CWHITE"\n\nPlese Enter Your Password Bellow To Login",playername(playerid)); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,D_LOGIN,PASSWORD,""CWHITE"RicaNiel - Login System",string,"Login","Cancel"); }else{ ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,D_REGISTER,INPUT,""CWHITE"RicaNiel - Register System","That account is not registred\n\nPlease Type a password to register an account","Login","Cancel"); } mysql_free_result(); return 1; }
What is that?
You need the MySQL plugin and you need to add a plugins line to server.cfg:
i already did but still same thing