[Map] Fort Carson Fire Department [By: Mr.Walker]

John Price Why you think you so good at mapping ? I just used your Fort Carson Fire Map and OMG! it was not impressive at all when i put it into my editor and deleted parts of it there were parts that were on top of each other. You don't just take the same object and close the back so its covered. I actually Aline everything so it works all of my works don't have objects on top of each other.

Messages In This Thread
Fort Carson Fire Department [By: Mr.Walker] - by GtasaPoliceModz - 20.03.2012, 23:30
Re: Fort Carson Fire Department [By: Mr.Walker] - by Guilherme_. - 21.03.2012, 00:13
Re: Fort Carson Fire Department [By: Mr.Walker] - by Cole_William - 21.03.2012, 00:16
Re: Fort Carson Fire Department [By: Mr.Walker] - by John_Price - 21.03.2012, 01:58
Re: Fort Carson Fire Department [By: Mr.Walker] - by GtasaPoliceModz - 21.03.2012, 02:22
Re: Fort Carson Fire Department [By: Mr.Walker] - by petrolhead - 21.03.2012, 05:42

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