[FilterScript] Cars Machine v1.0

Originally Posted by Jeffrey_Hatrix Jeffrey_
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Updated, hope you like.

Update: Change spawn, you type float x, y, z, angle or you can choose free change spawn, you press Q move car x+ | E: x- | 6: y+ |4: y- |Altgr: Angle rotation+ | Capslock: Angle rotation-

Change vehicle model, this destroy old model and create a new with the same ID game at same position.

And I make some updates into interface error, etc...


pawn Код:
|                                                                   |
|   Script updated by: Jeffrey_Hatrix, thanks to Willian_Luigi      |
|   to orginal Cars Machine at pastebin.com/HnBePeCp                |
|                                                                   |

#include <a_samp>
#include <SII>
#include <ZCMD>
#include <sscanf2>

#define filterScriptUser
#define callCarsDialog 1
#define msgbox DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX
#define input DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT
#define list DIALOG_STYLE_LIST
#define PRESSED(%0) \
    (((newkeys & (%0)) == (%0)) && ((oldkeys & (%0)) != (%0)))
#define HOLDING(%0) \
    ((newkeys & (%0)) == (%0))

forward wii_CreateCars(playerid, carro, Float:x_, Float:y_, Float:z_, Float:a_);
forward LOAD_CAR();

new Global[128];

enum DATA_CAR {
new Approppriately[DATA_CAR];
static bool:FreeChange[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
        case callCarsDialog:
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                return 1;
        case 2:
                if(listitem == 0)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 3, input, "Cars GUI","\nType a id of a vehicle to create and save\n\n", "Confirm", "Back");
                    return 1;
                else if(listitem == 1)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 4, input, "Cars GUI","\nType the id of File to delete the car.\n\n", "Confirm", "Back");
                    return 1;
                else if(listitem == 2)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 7, list, "Cars GUI - COLORS", "\nColor 1\nColor 2\n\n", "Confirm", "Back");
                    return 1;
                else if(listitem == 3)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 10, input, "Cars GUI - X", "\nType the id File to teleport.\n\n", "Confirm", "Back");
                    return 1;
                else if(listitem == 4)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 13, input, "Cars GUI - Respawn", "\nType the id File to respawn\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                    return 1;
                else if(listitem == 5)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 14, list, "Cars GUI - Spawn Change", "\nFloat x\nFloat y\nFloat z\nFloat angle\nFree change\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                    return 1;
                else if(listitem == 6)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 25, input, "Cars GUI - Model", "\nType the id File to change car model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                    return 1;
        case 3:
                    return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "ERROR", "\nYou're already in a vehicle !\n\n", "Continue", "Cancel");

                GetPlayerPos(playerid, Approppriately[x], Approppriately[y], Approppriately[z]);
                GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Approppriately[a]);
                new cc_ = strval(inputtext);
                SetTimerEx("wii_CreateCars", 5000, false, "ddffff", playerid, cc_, Approppriately[x], Approppriately[y], Approppriately[z], Approppriately[a]);
                format(Global, 60, "(WAIT 5 SECONDS) - File car created, id of car: %d", cc_);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 6, msgbox, "Sucessful", Global, "Continue", "Back");
                TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
                SetPlayerPos(playerid, Approppriately[x]+2, Approppriately[y], Approppriately[z]);
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 4:
                new cc_ = strval(inputtext);
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", cc_);
                if(!INI_Exist(Global)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 5, msgbox, "ERROR", "The id from File car doesn't exist, try again.\n\n", "Try", "Cancel");
                format(Global, 45, "File car id[%d] deleted with successful!", cc_);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 5, msgbox, "Cars GUI", Global, "Delete other", "Cancel");
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 5:
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 4, input, "Cars GUI","\nType the ID File for delete the car\n\n", "Confirm", "Back");
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 6:
            if(!response) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 7:
                if(listitem == 0)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 8, input, "COR 1", "\nType the id of File car\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                    return 1;
                else if(listitem == 2)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 9, input, "COR 2", "\nType the id of File car\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                    return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 8:
                Approppriately[id] = strval(inputtext);
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                    return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "ERROR", "\nInvalid file ID, try again.\n\n", "Continue", "Cancel");

                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 11, input, "COR 1", "\nType the value of color 1 ( 0 - 128 )\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                return 1;
        case 9:
                Approppriately[id] = strval(inputtext);
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                    return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "ERROR", "\nInvalid file ID, try again.\n\n", "Continue", "Cancel");

                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 12, input, "COR 2", "\nType the value of color 2 ( 0 - 128 )\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                return 1;
        case 10:
                Approppriately[id] = strval(inputtext);
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                    return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "ERROR", "\nInvalid file ID, try again.\n\n", "Continue", "Cancel");

                PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, Approppriately[id], 0);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI - Teleport successful.", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 11:
                if(128 > Approppriately[c_] < 0)
                    return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "ERROR", "\nInvalid color value, try again.\n\n", "Continue", "Cancel");

                Approppriately[c_] = strval(inputtext);
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                INI_WriteInt("Info Cor 1", Approppriately[c_]);
                ChangeVehicleColor(Approppriately[id], Approppriately[c_], Approppriately[c2_]);
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 12:
                if(128 > Approppriately[c2_] < 0)
                    return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "ERROR", "\nInvalid color value, try again.\n\n", "Continue", "Cancel");

                Approppriately[c2_] = strval(inputtext);
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                INI_WriteInt("Info Cor 2", Approppriately[c2_]);
                ChangeVehicleColor(Approppriately[id], Approppriately[c_], Approppriately[c2_]);
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 13:
                Approppriately[id] = strval(inputtext);
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                    return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "ERROR", "\nInvalid file ID, try again.\n\n", "Continue", "Cancel");

                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "VEНCULO RESPAWNADO", "\nCriar carro\nDeletar carro\nModificar cores\nIr atй carro \"x\"\nRespawn carro \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 14:
                if(listitem == 0)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15, input, "Spawn Float x", "\nType id file car to change floats\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                    return 1;
                else if(listitem == 1)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 17, input, "Spawn Float x", "\nType id file car to change floats\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                    return 1;
                else if(listitem == 2)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 19, input, "Spawn Float x", "\nType id file car to change floats\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                    return 1;
                else if(listitem == 3)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 21, input, "Spawn Float x", "\nType id file car to change floats\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                    return 1;
                else if(listitem == 4)
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 23, input, "Spawn Float x", "\nType id file car to change floats\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                    return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 15:
                Approppriately[id] = strval(inputtext);
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                    return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "ERROR", "\nInvalid file ID, try again.\n\n", "Continue", "Cancel");
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 16, input, "Spawn Float x", "\nType float value to be spawn X\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 16:
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                Approppriately[x] = floatstr(inputtext);
                INI_WriteFloat("Info Float x", Approppriately[x]);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "Spawn pos set!", "Click OK to continue cars GUI", "Ok", "Cancel");
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 17:
                Approppriately[id] = strval(inputtext);
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                    return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "ERROR", "\nInvalid file ID, try again.\n\n", "Continue", "Cancel");
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 18, input, "Spawn Float y", "\nType float value to be spawn Y\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 18:
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                Approppriately[y] = floatstr(inputtext);
                INI_WriteFloat("Info Float y", Approppriately[y]);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "Spawn pos set!", "Click OK to continue cars GUI", "Ok", "Cancel");
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 19:
                Approppriately[id] = strval(inputtext);
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                    return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "ERROR", "\nInvalid file ID, try again.\n\n", "Continue", "Cancel");
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 20, input, "Spawn Float z", "\nType float value to be spawn Z\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 20:
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                Approppriately[z] = floatstr(inputtext);
                INI_WriteFloat("Info Float z", Approppriately[z]);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "Spawn pos set!", "Click OK to continue cars GUI", "Ok", "Cancel");
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 21:
                Approppriately[id] = strval(inputtext);
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                    return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "ERROR", "\nInvalid file ID, try again.\n\n", "Continue", "Cancel");
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 22, input, "Spawn Float Angle", "\nType float value to be spawn Angle\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 22:
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                Approppriately[a] = floatstr(inputtext);
                INI_WriteFloat("Info Angle", Approppriately[a]);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "Spawn pos set!", "Click OK to continue cars GUI", "Ok", "Cancel");
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 23:
                Approppriately[id] = strval(inputtext);
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                    return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "ERROR", "\nInvalid file ID, try again.\n\n", "Continue", "Cancel");

                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 24, msgbox, "Spawn Float free change", "\nNow you open free change position,\nuse Q to set x+\nE to set x-\n6 to set y+\n4 to set y-\nAltgr to set Angle+\nCapslock to set Angle-\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");
                TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
                FreeChange[playerid] = true;
                PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, Approppriately[id], 0);
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 24:
            if(response || !response) return false;
        case 25:
                Approppriately[id] = strval(inputtext);
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                   return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, msgbox, "ERROR", "\nInvalid file ID, try again.\n\n", "Continue", "Cancel");

                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 26, input, "Change model", "\nType model id\n\n","Confirm", "Cancel");
                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        case 26:
                Approppriately[u] = strval(inputtext);
                format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
                INI_WriteInt("Info Car ID", Approppriately[u]);
                GetVehiclePos(Approppriately[id], Approppriately[x], Approppriately[y], Approppriately[z]);
                GetVehicleZAngle(Approppriately[id], Approppriately[a]);
                //CreateVehicle(Approppriately[u], Approppriately[x], Approppriately[y], Approppriately[z], Approppriately[a], Approppriately[c_], Approppriately[c2_], 9999999);
                CreateVehicle(Approppriately[u], Approppriately[x], Approppriately[y], Approppriately[z], Approppriately[a], -1, -1, 9999999);

                return 1;
            else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, list, "Cars GUI", "\nCreate car\nDelete car\nChoose colors\nTeleport to car \"x\"\nRespawn car \"x\"\nChange spawn\nChange model\n\n", "Confirm", "Cancel");

        default: return false;
    return 1;

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
        GetVehiclePos(Approppriately[id], Approppriately[x], Approppriately[y], Approppriately[z]);
        GetVehicleZAngle(Approppriately[id], Approppriately[a]);
        if(newkeys == 256)
            SetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), Approppriately[x]+1, Approppriately[y], Approppriately[z]);
            return 1;
        if(newkeys == 64)
            SetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), Approppriately[x]-1, Approppriately[y], Approppriately[z]);
            return 1;
        if(newkeys == 16384)
            SetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), Approppriately[x], Approppriately[y]+1, Approppriately[z]);
            return 1;
        if(newkeys == 8192)
            SetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), Approppriately[x], Approppriately[y]-1, Approppriately[z]);
            return 1;
        if(newkeys == 128 || HOLDING(128))
            SetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), Approppriately[a]+1);
            return 1;
        if(newkeys == 4 || HOLDING(4))
            SetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), Approppriately[a]-1);
            return 1;
        if(newkeys == 1)
            GetVehiclePos(Approppriately[id], Approppriately[x], Approppriately[y], Approppriately[z]);
            GetVehicleZAngle(Approppriately[id], Approppriately[a]);

            format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[id]);
            INI_WriteFloat("Info Float x", Approppriately[x]);
            INI_WriteFloat("Info Float y", Approppriately[y]);
            INI_WriteFloat("Info Float z", Approppriately[z]);
            INI_WriteFloat("Info Angle", Approppriately[a]);
            FreeChange[playerid] = false;
            format(Global, sizeof(Global), "You has updated your car spawn position to: \nx: %f, \ny: %f, \nz: %f, \nangle: %f", Approppriately[x], Approppriately[y], Approppriately[z], Approppriately[a]);
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 20, msgbox, "Free Change", Global, "Ok", "");
            TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
            return 1;
        return 1;
    return 1;

CMD:carsmachine(playerid) {
        return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You're not an admin Rcon !");
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, callCarsDialog, msgbox, "Introduction", "[FS] - by Willian_Luigi, updated by: Jeffrey_Hatrix\n\n", "Continue", "");
    return 1;

stock ModifyModel(vehicleid, modelid) {
    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:a, c1, c2;
    GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, a);
    GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, x, y, z);
    CreateVehicle(modelid, x, y, z, a, c1, c2, 9999999);
    return 1;

public wii_CreateCars(playerid, carro, Float:x_, Float:y_, Float:z_, Float:a_) {
    TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
    Approppriately[file] ++;
    Approppriately[c_] = random(128);
    Approppriately[c2_] = random(128);
    new ff = CreateVehicle(carro, x_, y_, z_, a_, Approppriately[c_], Approppriately[c2_], 9999999);
    PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, ff , 0);
    format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", Approppriately[file]);
    INI_WriteInt("Info Car ID", carro);
    INI_WriteInt("Info Car ID GAME", Approppriately[file]);
    INI_WriteFloat("Info Float x", Approppriately[x]);
    INI_WriteFloat("Info Float y", Approppriately[y]);
    INI_WriteFloat("Info Float z", Approppriately[z]);
    INI_WriteFloat("Info Angle", Approppriately[a]);
    INI_WriteInt("Info Cor 1", Approppriately[c_]);
    INI_WriteInt("Info Cor 2", Approppriately[c2_]);
    strdel(Global, 0, 128);
    INI_WriteInt("Veiculos Criados", Approppriately[file]);
    return 1;

public LOAD_CAR() {
    Approppriately[id] = INI_ReadInt("Veiculos Criados");
    new n = 1;
    while(n != -1) {
        format(Global, 30, "Cars/%d.ini", n);
        if(!fexist(Global)) break;
        Approppriately[id] = INI_ReadInt("Info Car ID GAME");
        Approppriately[u] = INI_ReadInt("Info Car ID");
        Approppriately[x] = INI_ReadFloat("Info Float x");
        Approppriately[y] = INI_ReadFloat("Info Float y");
        Approppriately[z] = INI_ReadFloat("Info Float z");
        Approppriately[a] = INI_ReadFloat("Info Angle");
        Approppriately[c_] = INI_ReadInt("Info Cor 1");
        Approppriately[c2_] = INI_ReadInt("Info Cor 2");
        AddStaticVehicleEx(Approppriately[u], Approppriately[x], Approppriately[y], Approppriately[z], Approppriately[a], Approppriately[c_], Approppriately[c2_], 9999999);
    return 1;

#if defined filterScriptUser
public OnFilterScriptInit() {

    print("FilterScript vehicleCreator.");
    print("Atual update 1.0 from Jeffrey_Hatrix, thanks to Willian_Luigi");
    printf("Veнculos carregados: %d", Approppriately[id]);
    return print("\n--------------------------------------\n");
#error Run this like a FilterScript, By:Willian_Luigi
Find bugs? report then please.
Yeah, good job.

Try to make a new update with:

try to create some system vehicle motor to add to FilterScript with optional mode.

Example, admin rcon types "/motorsystem on" | "/motorsystem off"

Messages In This Thread
Cars Machine v1.0 - by Jeffrey_Hatrix Jeffrey_ - 18.03.2012, 16:21
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Georgi166 - 18.03.2012, 16:24
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Jeffrey_Hatrix Jeffrey_ - 18.03.2012, 16:26
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by THE_KING$5$ - 18.03.2012, 16:33
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by petrolhead - 18.03.2012, 16:43
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Jeffrey_Hatrix Jeffrey_ - 18.03.2012, 16:49
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by WLSF - 18.03.2012, 22:32
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Ballu Miaa - 19.03.2012, 02:19
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Jeffrey_Hatrix Jeffrey_ - 19.03.2012, 02:34
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Ballu Miaa - 19.03.2012, 04:18
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Electro[X] - 19.03.2012, 05:30
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Littlehelper - 19.03.2012, 10:12
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Jeffrey_Hatrix Jeffrey_ - 19.03.2012, 14:29
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by War Paz - 19.03.2012, 22:12
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Ballu Miaa - 20.03.2012, 02:15
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Jeffrey_Hatrix Jeffrey_ - 20.03.2012, 02:29
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by WLSF - 20.03.2012, 14:36
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Ballu Miaa - 20.03.2012, 16:52
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Jeffrey_Hatrix Jeffrey_ - 21.03.2012, 20:29
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Felipe_Wesker - 24.03.2012, 00:22
Respuesta: Cars Machine v1.0 - by LuisGraph - 24.03.2012, 00:28
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by J.K - 24.03.2012, 00:38
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Jeffrey_Hatrix Jeffrey_ - 24.03.2012, 01:20
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by WLSF - 25.04.2012, 21:45
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Mr_RokKi3[B] - 25.04.2012, 21:57
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by xXitsgodzillaXx - 26.04.2012, 01:25
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by JAMMIEISFTW - 30.04.2012, 06:01
Re: Cars Machine v1.0 - by Jeffrey_Hatrix Jeffrey_ - 09.05.2012, 11:39

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