Roleplay suggestions


I am creating a server, which is based on the anime One Piece, it includes pirates and marines, citizens and bounty hunters. More information here: . Anyway, I am looking for some roleplay suggestions for citizens. I am about to create a farming system, but I need some more suggestions :P


Messages In This Thread
Roleplay suggestions - by Baboon - 20.03.2012, 07:39
Re: Roleplay suggestions - by rbN. - 20.03.2012, 10:29
Re: Roleplay suggestions - by Max_Coldheart - 20.03.2012, 12:41
Re: Roleplay suggestions - by vassilis - 20.03.2012, 12:45
Re: Roleplay suggestions - by toXioneer - 20.03.2012, 12:50
Re: Roleplay suggestions - by Neo_ - 20.03.2012, 12:51
Re: Roleplay suggestions - by vassilis - 20.03.2012, 12:56
Re: Roleplay suggestions - by Mr.Tony - 20.03.2012, 13:15
Re: Roleplay suggestions - by Baboon - 20.03.2012, 17:06
Re: Roleplay suggestions - by Kellicia - 26.03.2012, 04:24

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