Bug in Pawno when pasting code

I have started to script recently, but this short time has been enough for me to find a bug in Pawno. I guess that after Pawno having existed for a long time I'm not the first one in finding that bug and that most of you already know it, yet I'm creating this thread just in case.

The bug is the following: select with your mouse a chunk of code, like 10 lines for example, and press Ctrl X to cut it. Then, go to another part of your script and select a blank line to paste that piece of code that you selected before. Press Ctrl V and you will see that your script just gets totally messed. Now press Ctrl Z to undo, so you have it as it was just before pasting. And finally, press Ctrl V again to paste again, and this second time you will see how the action is well performed.

Messages In This Thread
Bug in Pawno when pasting code - by Gryphus One - 16.03.2012, 18:57
Re: Bug in Pawno when pasting code - by Richie© - 16.03.2012, 19:13
Re: Bug in Pawno when pasting code - by suhrab_mujeeb - 16.03.2012, 19:15

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