16.03.2012, 18:08
I haven't tested the code as i am on low internet
But try this it may work -
I have excluded this as i dont know the exact function of it
But try this it may work -
pawn Код:
CMD:contract ( playerid , params[] )
if(playerVariables[playerid][pAdminDuty] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You can not contract somebody while on administrator duty.");
new Contract , CPrice , CReason[128];
if ( sscanf ( params , "uis[128]" , Contract , CPrice , CReason ) ) return SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , "Usage: /contract [ID] [Price] [Reason]" ) ;
if ( !IsPlayerConnected ( Contract ) ) return SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , "Invalid ID" ) ;
if ( Contract == playerid ) return SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , "You cannot contract yourself" ) ;
playerVariables[contracted][pContracted] = 1;
new str[128];
new str2[128];
GetPlayerName ( Contract , CName , MAX_PLAYER_NAME ) ;
GetPlayerName ( playerid , DName , MAX_PLAYER_NAME ) ;
format ( str , 128 , "You have contracted %s for %i . Reason : %s" , CName , CPrice , CReason ) ;
SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , str ) ;
format ( str2 , 128 , "Somebody has requested a contract on %s for %i . Reason : %s ((If the reason isn't valid, ignore the contract.))" , DName , CPrice , CReason ) ;
SendClientMessage ( Contract , -1 , str2 ) ;
return 1;
pawn Код:
if(playerVariables[playerid][pGroup] == 10);