Something doesen't work.


Today i've made something for my server but failed.
Could you tell me what is wrong with this code?
new DPoints[ MAX_PLAYERS ];

public OnFilterScriptInit( )
    BUD::Setting( opt.Database, "UserPoints.db" );
    BUD::Setting( opt.Asynchronous, true );
    BUD::Setting( opt.KeepAliveTime, 3000 );
    BUD::Setting( opt.CheckForUpdates, false );
    BUD::Initialize( );
    BUD::VerifyColumn( "Drift_Points", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );

    return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit( )
    BUD::Exit( );
	return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
    new iUID = BUD::GetNameUID( GetName( playerid ) ),
    BUD::MultiGet( iUID, "i", "Drift_Points", _d_points );
    DPoints[ playerid ] = _d_points;
	return 1;

public OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
    new iUID = BUD::GetNameUID( GetName( playerid ) ),
        _d_r_points = DPoints[ playerid ]

    BUD::MultiSet( iUID, "i", "Drift_Points", _d_r_points );
    return 1;
Integrers from variable DPoints won't save and my database looks like this:

It doesen't save anything, not even iUID or name..

Messages In This Thread
Something doesen't work. - by Rock1 - 15.03.2012, 23:08
Re: Something doesen't work. - by CoaPsyFactor - 15.03.2012, 23:47
Re: Something doesen't work. - by Rock1 - 16.03.2012, 09:00
Re: Something doesen't work. - by AshiR - 16.03.2012, 09:01
Re: Something doesen't work. - by Rock1 - 16.03.2012, 09:36
Re: Something doesen't work. - by Slice - 17.03.2012, 19:43

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