
pawn Код:
    #pragma unused params
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_VIPHELP,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"VIP Help (/viphelp)","VIP Level 1 Commands: /viphelp = Show this Dialog \n/vipkill = A /kill that you don't lose any money for using.\n/vweaps1 = Level 1 VIP Weapons \n VIP Level 2 Commands:\n/repairme = Repair Your Car \n/flipme = Flip Your Car + Repair It \n/vweaps2 = Get Level 2 VIP Weapons\nVIP LEVEL 3 COMMAND\n/restoreme = Restores: Your Health, Armour, and Vehicle Health.[WARNING: You will be jailed, warned, or VIP level set to 2 if you abuse.] \n/vweaps3 = Gives you Level 3 VIP Weapons. \n/vweapsmix = Gives you a mix of Different VIP Weapons.","Ok","Click Me");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You Just typed /viphelp. This gives you a list of vip commands.");
    else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "ERROR: You do not have enough rights to execute this command.");

Messages In This Thread
DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX Help - by stormchaser206 - 13.03.2012, 23:25
Re: DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX Help - by coole210 - 14.03.2012, 02:18
Re: DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX Help - by stormchaser206 - 14.03.2012, 20:44
Re: DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX Help - by SimonItaly - 14.03.2012, 20:50

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