HELP gun dealer only for gangs/mafia

Yes but am not a scripter I need some help, could you post the pawno things that I can add it directly? Would be helpful as hell, I also need a scripter for my Heavy RP server I got it for 9 weeks the host, but I need a gamemode and a scripter, it doesent need to be scripted from scratch, just so it doesent crash, the server, I have 20 players waiting for the server to come back up Please help someone.

Messages In This Thread
HELP gun dealer only for gangs/mafia - by Morgothr - 13.03.2012, 21:54
Re: HELP gun dealer only for gangs/mafia - by John Rockie - 13.03.2012, 23:26
Re: HELP gun dealer only for gangs/mafia - by Morgothr - 14.03.2012, 01:05
Re: HELP gun dealer only for gangs/mafia - by Lilcuete - 14.03.2012, 01:10

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