Beginner Help

Hi Korisnik,

Personally I learned by altering the Godfather script. Adapting their methods to suit my needs. For some users this may be too advanced at first, or even not what they are looking for. My suggestion is to download another script that is similar to the sort of programming you want to be doing, ie. if you want to make TDM scripts, download a TDM script. Reference but DO NOT COPY it when you need to. Or you could check out the scripting tutorials section here:

And finally always keep these links handy: The wiki most importantly.

Best of luck.



Messages In This Thread
Beginner Help - by Korisnik - 13.03.2012, 14:30
Re: Beginner Help - by TTJJ - 13.03.2012, 14:47
Re: Beginner Help - by Korisnik - 13.03.2012, 15:17
Re: Beginner Help - by PawnFox - 13.03.2012, 15:23
Re: Beginner Help - by xXitsgodzillaXx - 13.03.2012, 15:26
Re: Beginner Help - by Korisnik - 13.03.2012, 15:31

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