I don't understand why i am getting this.

pawn Код:
else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0, 231.099609, 119.532226, 1009.224426)) // Chief of Police
                GetPlayerName(playerid,PlayerDoorName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
                if(playerVariables[playerid][pGroup] == 1 && playerVariables[playerid][pGroupRank] == 6) {
                    MoveDynamicObject(LSPDObjs[6][0],227.0,119.52929688,1009.22442627, 3.5);
                    MoveDynamicObject(LSPDObjs[6][1],229.75,119.53515625,1009.22442627, 3.5);
                    LSPDObjs[6][2] = 1;
                    PlayerPlaySoundEx(1083, 231.099609, 119.532226, 1009.224426);
                    new string[128];
                    format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has used their authorization card to open the door.", PlayerDoorName);
                    nearByMessage(playerid, COLOR_PURPLE, string);

Messages In This Thread
I don't understand why i am getting this. - by Robert_Crawford - 11.03.2012, 01:15
Re: I don't understand why i am getting this. - by jameskmonger - 11.03.2012, 01:18
Re: I don't understand why i am getting this. - by Robert_Crawford - 11.03.2012, 01:51
Re: I don't understand why i am getting this. - by new121 - 11.03.2012, 03:05
Re: I don't understand why i am getting this. - by Nicholas. - 11.03.2012, 03:07
Re: I don't understand why i am getting this. - by eesh - 11.03.2012, 03:07
Re: I don't understand why i am getting this. - by new121 - 11.03.2012, 03:13
Re: I don't understand why i am getting this. - by jameskmonger - 11.03.2012, 15:06

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