Password Gates Problem

pawn Код:
      if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,10.0,246.0052,-1806.2119,4.4689,178.5597)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1, "You aren't near any gate!");
      if(strlen(cmdtext) < 22) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Usage: /gate [password]");
      if(strcmp(cmdtext[22],password,true)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Wrong Password!");
      return 1;
use ZCMD, if you make more and more commands with strcmp, your server will be lag or slow.

Messages In This Thread
Password Gates Problem - by Ryan_Obeles - 10.03.2012, 23:48
AW: Password Gates Problem - by Ryan_Obeles - 11.03.2012, 01:13
AW: Password Gates Problem - by Ryan_Obeles - 11.03.2012, 01:30
Re: Password Gates Problem - by Reklez - 11.03.2012, 01:35
AW: Password Gates Problem - by Ryan_Obeles - 11.03.2012, 05:05
AW: Password Gates Problem - by Ryan_Obeles - 11.03.2012, 05:07
Re: Password Gates Problem - by misho1 - 11.03.2012, 08:47

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