09.03.2012, 21:02
then you should split that one string.
for example
I tested it in Dev C and it should work.
Output was
for example
} new string[256]="Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text "; new str[54]; new i,j; i=0; begin: j=0; while(j<53) { str[j]=string[i]; if(!str[j]) { //send to players the message. goto end; } i++; j++; } if(str[j-1]!='\0') { str[53]='\0'; str[52]='.'; str[51]='.'; str[50]='.'; i=i-3; //send the message goto begin; end:; } }
Output was
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text ... Text Text Text Text Text Text