Server: Unknown Command - How to solve this?

I've been searching around, and have seen a lot of other people having the same problem, but they actually solve them. I'm not that good at scripting yet, haven't been doing it for long, but know my ways around I guess
The thing is, that some commands just return this "Unknown Command" shit. I figured it had to be the returns or something, so I checked through all the commands, and added "return 1;" on the commands that didn't have them, but after I did that, more and more commands stopped working. After testing commands for a while, all the commands just stop working.

Considering that I'm new to scripting, I chose to make a GF edit, mostly because I'm interested to learn more, and figured GF would be a good start.

I'm going to convert all the commands to ZCMD as well, but would that solve this problem perhaps?

I'm just looking for tips how to solve my problem, I can post all the commands, but as all of you probably know, there's a shitload of them, and it would take A LOT of time going through them all, so if you want to, just tell me.

Thanks in advance for any help at all.

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