Re-PutPlayerInVehicle does vehicle lose engine acceleration sound


Firstly, I'm not searching by alternative solutions, just reporting a bug.

Why do you need a solution, when the answer is don't put a player in a vehicle, he is already in.

It would be like reporting SetPlayerInterior, then GetPlayerInterior on the next line returns old interior, not the interior you've just set.
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 1);
    printf("player interior %d", GetPlayerInterior(playerid)); // will return 0
    return 1;
I understand it's nice to have bugs fixed, but I don't think using functions wrong should be fixed. Like putting a player in a vehicle he is already in, isn't a bug, you're doing it wrong. No offence

Messages In This Thread
Re-PutPlayerInVehicle does vehicle lose engine acceleration sound - by CyNiC - 05.03.2012, 18:35
AW: Re-PutPlayerInVehicle does vehicle lose engine acceleration sound - by Steamator - 05.03.2012, 19:24
Re: Re-PutPlayerInVehicle does vehicle lose engine acceleration sound - by leong124 - 06.03.2012, 08:48
Re: Re-PutPlayerInVehicle does vehicle lose engine acceleration sound - by Rac3r - 06.03.2012, 08:59
Re: Re-PutPlayerInVehicle does vehicle lose engine acceleration sound - by CyNiC - 06.03.2012, 11:38

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