Help with a hack / hacker

It's not a helicopter.

From what someone once told me, I understood: a hacker is in a CAR on the ground, then quickly teleports to another car within his streaming range. He then sets the Z coordinate very high and teleports back to his own vehicle - the other vehicle falls down. He does that so fast you cannot see who did it, nor will you be able to see the hacker left his vehicle.

The way to catch him is: exit any vehicle, walk to the area and try to find someone who's in a car not being thrown in the air, seemingly doing nothing (or slowly driving forward).

But I admit, it's hard to catch them.

Messages In This Thread
Help with a hack / hacker - by lolumadd_ - 06.03.2012, 02:48
Re: Help with a hack / hacker - by Saurik - 06.03.2012, 03:09
Re: Help with a hack / hacker - by Jake187 - 06.03.2012, 03:11
Re: Help with a hack / hacker - by [UE]Milan - 06.03.2012, 03:14
Re: Help with a hack / hacker - by Saurik - 06.03.2012, 03:15
Re: Help with a hack / hacker - by Jake187 - 06.03.2012, 03:18
Re: Help with a hack / hacker - by Dr - 06.03.2012, 03:39
Re: Help with a hack / hacker - by niyaz - 06.03.2012, 07:31
Re: Help with a hack / hacker - by [MM]IKKE - 06.03.2012, 07:44
Re: Help with a hack / hacker - by Deduction - 06.03.2012, 08:18

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