Suggestion - rules for hosted tab listing & new tabs

I think you're missing the point of the Hosted Tab.
It's a method of income for the SA:MP development team, so of course they'll want to cram as many servers on there as possible.
Whichever method of sorting the servers you come up with, will always be flawed in some way.

Although I agree that made-from-scratch scripts aren't getting the attention they deserve, it's important to note that servers depend on their communities; Although the scripts have a considerable influence, the main reason people stay is due to their enjoyment.
Without any disrespect, you could've made the most complex, advanced script, but it could also be the most boring gamemode as well. How does that make you better than a server using a Grandfather edit with a thriving community?

Personally, I'm happy with the way things are at the moment.
Using the hosted tab isn't a necessity, but it helps attract more users. It also pseudo-separates the more committed servers from the 'I've learnt how to port-forward, let's see how it goes' servers.

Well, that's just my 2 pennies.

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