Help me to Fix This .

pawn Код:
if (strcmp("/cmds", cmdtext,true)==0)
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Commands:","/w = Weapons\n/duel [id] = 1vs1\n/count = Countdown\n/t = Teleport List\n/ghelp = Group Commands\n/myhouses = View Your House\n/v = Vehicle\n/f = Flip\n/vehrepair = Repair\n/tune = Tune\n/report = Report Hacker/Cheater\n/cig = Smoking\n/beer = Drinking\n/sprunk = Drinking\n/animlist = Animations","Close","");
    return 1;
if (strcmp("/t", cmdtext,true)==0)
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Teleport:","/drift1 - /drift2 - /drift3 - /drift4 - /drift5\n/drift6 - /drift7 - /drift8 - /drift9 - /drift10\n/drift11 - /drift12 - /driftschool - /skydrift\n/arch - /trans - /track1 - /driftcircle1 - /dm1 - dm2","Close","");
    return 1;

if (strcmp("/rules", cmdtext,true)==0)
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Rules:","1.Cursing over player not allowed.\n2.Do not spam or else you'll be kicked!.\n3.Hacks is not allowed here, except handling lines.\n5.Respect the other players, and admins too.\n5.Please follow all the rules and have fun! =)","Close","");
    return 1;

if (strcmp("/ghelp", cmdtext,true)==0)
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,4,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Group Command:","/grc - Creates a group. - /grl - Leaves your current group. - /gri - Invites a person to your group (Leader Only).\n/grlead - Gives someone else the leader position (Leader Only). - /grj - requests to join someone's group. - /grk - Kicks a member from the group (Leader Only). - /gm - Sends a message to all group members.\n/grouplist - Lists all members in a certain group. - /groups - Lists all groups.","Close","");
    return 1;
You need to define unique dialog ids for every ShowPlayerDialog you create at the beggining of your script.

Messages In This Thread
Help me to Fix This . - by whcool - 05.03.2012, 09:54
Re: Help me to Fix This . - by Mark™ - 05.03.2012, 10:08
Re: Help me to Fix This . - by whcool - 05.03.2012, 10:23
Re: Help me to Fix This . - by Mark™ - 05.03.2012, 10:30
Re: Help me to Fix This . - by whcool - 05.03.2012, 11:03

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