[Ajuda] Comando fechando o samp-server...

O comando eu testei em outro GM e ele funciona normal.

Nгo tem nenhum FS.

Serб que estб relacionado a isso:

[00:26:49]  ======================================= 
[00:26:49]  |                                     | 
[00:26:49]  |   Error: Could not connect to YSI   | 
[00:26:49]  |  update server (response was 003).  | 
[00:26:49]  |                                     | 
[00:26:49]  ======================================= 

[23:04:55]  ======================================= 
[23:04:55]  |                                     | 
[23:04:55]  |   Error: Could not connect to YSI   | 
[23:04:55]  |  update server (response was 006).  | 
[23:04:55]  |                                     | 
[23:04:55]  =======================================

[01:00:36] sscanf warning: Unenclosed specifier parameters are deprecated, consider using something like p<?>.
[01:00:36] sscanf warning: Strings without a length are deprecated, please add a destination size.
[01:00:36] sscanf warning: Strings without a length are deprecated, please add a destination size.
Estes erros aparecem no log claro, e os sscanf warning ocorrem quando um player entra no servidor (no caso eu e um amigo via hamachi).

Messages In This Thread
[Ajuda] Comando fechando o samp-server... - by renerk10 - 04.03.2012, 02:28
Re: [ERRO] Comando fechando o samp-server... - by TopFuel - 04.03.2012, 02:45
Re: [ERRO] Comando fechando o samp-server... - by Sampizito - 04.03.2012, 02:46
Re: [ERRO] Comando fechando o samp-server... - by renerk10 - 04.03.2012, 03:02
Re: [ERRO] Comando fechando o samp-server... - by Sampizito - 04.03.2012, 03:04
Re: [ERRO] Comando fechando o samp-server... - by renerk10 - 04.03.2012, 03:08
Re: [ERRO] Comando fechando o samp-server... - by Sampizito - 04.03.2012, 03:14
Re: [ERRO] Comando fechando o samp-server... - by renerk10 - 04.03.2012, 03:28

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