Determine player's armour?

Just ensure your script only ever sets a player's armor to a maximum of 99.

For instance:

#define MAX_ARMOR 99

and when setting the player's armor...

pawn Код:
SetPlayerArmour(playerid, MAX_ARMOR);
in place of 100.0

If your script can ONLY SET a player's armor to 99 or less, your free to ban anyone that acquires 100 armor.
Don't detect for ONLY more than 100, considering most health/armor hacks are aware this is monitored and don't do it.

You could use the above timer, or simply in OnPlayerUpdate:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    new Float:Armor;
    GetPlayerArmour(playerid, Armor);
    if(Armor >= 100) BanEx(playerid, "Armor-Hacks");
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Determine player's armour? - by Supercop - 02.03.2012, 12:27
Re: Determine player's armour? - by Walsh - 02.03.2012, 12:36
Re: Determine player's armour? - by Rob_Maate - 02.03.2012, 13:03
Re: Determine player's armour? - by Supercop - 07.03.2012, 08:43

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