01.03.2012, 01:05
Have you seen this video?
Objects go under OnGameModeInit, they must be in CreateObject format, and you must return 1. If you have a map file in MTA format go to ConvertFFSwebsite to convert it to pawn.
This is an example of what it should resemble.
Hope I helped.
Objects go under OnGameModeInit, they must be in CreateObject format, and you must return 1. If you have a map file in MTA format go to ConvertFFSwebsite to convert it to pawn.
This is an example of what it should resemble.
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
CreateObject(14576, -482.16369628906, -198.66093444824, 980.00079345703, 0, 0, 0.75);
CreateObject(2946, -466.86309814453, -198.2001953125, 984.35827636719, 0, 0, 357.31604003906);
CreateObject(2946, -466.7080078125, -195.02656555176, 984.36566162109, 0, 0, 177.65991210938);
CreateObject(1491, -479.08612060547, -213.3388671875, 986.75866699219, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(13007, -475.021484375, -203.4521484375, 986.16741943359, 0, 0, 267.73681640625);
CreateObject(14577, -421.435546875, -217.5068359375, 985.12335205078, 0, 0, 180.00549316406);
CreateObject(3089, -478.60537719727, -213.35453796387, 981.51635742188, 0, 0, 0.75);
CreateObject(3089, -476.23828125, -214.39562988281, 981.53961181641, 0, 0, 26.25);
CreateObject(3089, -457.58416748047, -198.49922180176, 979.54022216797, 0, 0, 342.47839355469);
CreateObject(3089, -465.66537475586, -214.6498260498, 979.54180908203, 0, 0, 27.75);
CreateObject(2262, -453.39953613281, -211.38711547852, 980.78424072266, 0, 0, 272.05102539063);
CreateObject(2261, -463.9052734375, -221.849609375, 980.90454101563, 0, 0, 179.60961914063);
CreateObject(16378, -454.80169677734, -211.66088867188, 978.96862792969, 0, 0, 89.846801757813);
CreateObject(9362, -463.28314208984, -220.99801635742, 978.958984375, 0, 0, 180.50543212891);
return 1;