Pls help me +REP[Serious attack to my server]

I have command to respawn the nearby unoccupied vehicles but it wont help at that time they putting bot attack + THIS. I have script of bot attack to prevent but i dont have this one.
Many i know what all hacks thier and how to prevent all hack....
Becuse when i prevent this THTA M---- FUC- HACKER WILL COME WITH NEXT HACK


Messages In This Thread
Pls help me +REP[Serious attack to my server] - by RBTDM - 26.02.2012, 07:46
Re: Pls help me +REP[Serious attack to my server] - by lordturhan - 26.02.2012, 08:07
[No subject] - by RBTDM - 26.02.2012, 08:28
Re: Pls help me +REP[Serious attack to my server] - by Unknownich - 26.02.2012, 09:05
Re: Pls help me +REP[Serious attack to my server] - by RBTDM - 26.02.2012, 09:16
Re: Pls help me +REP[Serious attack to my server] - by Mark™ - 26.02.2012, 10:06
Re: Pls help me +REP[Serious attack to my server] - by Zhao - 27.02.2012, 04:26
Re: Pls help me +REP[Serious attack to my server] - by Kaperstone - 27.02.2012, 06:02
Re: Pls help me +REP[Serious attack to my server] - by RBTDM - 27.02.2012, 07:35
Re: Pls help me +REP[Serious attack to my server] - by Mark™ - 27.02.2012, 08:22

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