25.02.2012, 11:28
Uhuh, I think i fixed it!
I deleted some braces, and placed return 1; in a another place.
OnFilterScriptInit now:
Did i fix it the right way?
I deleted some braces, and placed return 1; in a another place.
OnFilterScriptInit now:
PHP код:
print(" ManHole Filterscript by Tom");
ArmySecondBuildingSewersEnter = CreatePickup(1318, 1, 290.1432, 1909.3739, 100.4071, -1);
ArmySecondBuildingSewersExit = CreatePickup(1318, 1, -80.2782,1763.3628,349.5543, -1);
// The Woods SEWER Exit
TheWoodsSewerEnter = CreatePickup(1318, 1, -74.1693,1774.5923,349.8957, -1);
return 1;