Paint Cmd

As far i as i see, the command is supposed to change the car's color to vColors[0] and [1].
Now, do the vColor[0] and [1] variables store the actual colors? Or are they just random variables that carry an invalid value ?

Other than that, does the actual command work? When you type it ingame, does it show the SendClientMessage text ? Or does it just not change the colors. Give more details .

Messages In This Thread
Paint Cmd - by [TDL]OGLoc - 24.02.2012, 14:18
Re: Paint Cmd - by brett7 - 24.02.2012, 15:25
Respuesta: Paint Cmd - by [TDL]OGLoc - 24.02.2012, 16:33
Re: Paint Cmd - by KreeDz - 24.02.2012, 17:56

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