Invalid function or declaration errors :(

This is actually PPC Trucking Mode and what cannot be compiled is the file PPC Defines. I haven't made any changes on it but it shows errors even though i replaced it with the original file from the mode. In this file there are only defined things with no commands:

pawn Код:
....// Define messagecolors
#define ColorRed 0xFF0000FF
#define ColorGreen 0x00FF00FF
#define ColorBlue 0x0000FFFF

// Define Virtual Worlds
#define WORLD_JAIL 10254

// Define options for admins
#define AutoKickAfterWarn           1 // Define if the player gets kicked after a certain amount of warnings
#define AutoKickWarnings            3 // Define the amount of warnings before a player is kicked automatically

// Define spectate modes

// Create some global variables that are used to display large dialogs
new DialogMsg5000[5000];                      [COLOR="Red"]this is where the error appears[/COLOR]

// These variables are only used during the GameModeInit, they are used for debugging purposes
// A variable to hold the ID of every vehicle (used to record the last ID of a vehicle, for debugging)
new LastVehicleID;
// A variable to hold the ID of every object (used to record the last ID of an object, for debugging)
new LastObjectID;
// A variable to hold the total amount of houses that are loaded
new TotalHouses;
// A variable that holds the last speedcam-id
new TotalCameras;
// A variable that holds the total amount of businesses loaded
new TotalBusiness;
I am sorry guys but i am new at the forum and still don't know these basic things.

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