22.02.2012, 22:10
Well its not a simple tell you,
There is some basic concepts to know,
Ill try to help
How are you planing to save the data?
You bsicly have three options
Database using mysql
Ini file using yini or dini
Or a raw text file.
If you look at the gl gamemode there is a
Example loading cars from raw files.
To save you should look at the wiki for the file functions,
If your open to any of the ways i can show you how i do it in my GM
Im using. Ycmd, sscanf, file functions from the wiki
to save and load,
There is some basic concepts to know,
Ill try to help
How are you planing to save the data?
You bsicly have three options
Database using mysql
Ini file using yini or dini
Or a raw text file.
If you look at the gl gamemode there is a
Example loading cars from raw files.
To save you should look at the wiki for the file functions,
If your open to any of the ways i can show you how i do it in my GM
Im using. Ycmd, sscanf, file functions from the wiki
to save and load,