20.02.2012, 22:50
pooh7 I use only threaded query.
In onplayerconnect if I use kick without return 1 = lost connection but if I use return 1 = close connection. But if I call OnQueryFinish in onplayerconnect and I kick the player in OnQueryFinish with or without return = lost connection + I don't see the sendclientmessage. You use kick in OnQueryFinish (call other that onplayerconnect) for to works fine no? EDIT: I use a timer and it's ok. |
Originally Posted by krisk @ ls-rp.com
Kick() and Ban() packets has high network priority while normal message packets has not, this will in many cases make the server kick you before you get a message about why. Meaning that if your name isn't registered it might kick you without telling you why.