Not Create Vehicle.

Still same problem, its also take like 5 seconds until he create the car. here is the stock:
stock CreateVehicleEx(modelid,Float,Float:y,Float:z,Fl oat:a,color1,color2,respawn_delay,interior,world)
assert modelid >= 400 || modelid <= 611;
new v = CreateVehicle(modelid,x,y,z,a,color1,color2,respaw n_delay);
return 1;

maybe problem here?

Messages In This Thread
Not Create Vehicle. - by _DownLoaD_ - 19.02.2012, 15:44
Re: Not Create Vehicle. - by _DownLoaD_ - 19.02.2012, 17:01
Re: Not Create Vehicle. - by aRoach - 19.02.2012, 17:04
Re: Not Create Vehicle. - by _DownLoaD_ - 19.02.2012, 17:40
Re: Not Create Vehicle. - by Shetch - 19.02.2012, 17:54
Re: Not Create Vehicle. - by _DownLoaD_ - 19.02.2012, 17:56
Re: Not Create Vehicle. - by aRoach - 19.02.2012, 18:02
Re: Not Create Vehicle. - by _DownLoaD_ - 20.02.2012, 13:17

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