
Sorry For Double Post and as i am happy to tell that the new version of my script is now realesed and
a super incident that when i finished v2.0 a guys who made me a scripter on his server wanted something there so i gave half of the version updates to him and +ravens admin area but i made its command too by myself and chaged it a lot and gave him but he thought that i dont know to script and called me a script stealer and i told him the truth but he didnt belived and banned me and asked me to make a own script and then he will unabn me lol i am not going to make a unban appeal till he calls me and takes his mistake i dont want to mention the guys name to insult him but then too whatever now i have become a good guys before i think 1 moth before i was a super flamer what so ever hope you enjoy the next version and neons LOL

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