Server runs but does not connect to it

I found the error was in the script, according to the log again and again stir the function from. But after all I have to 200 repeat cycle, why is it repeated over and over?
When I tested the script to me it does not cause deadlock.
new string[512];
		for(new i;i<MAX_PLAYERS_EX;i++)
				if(Zamestnani[i] == POVOLANI_NOVINAR)
				    new nadpis[24];
					if(strlen(nadpis) > 0) format(string,sizeof(string),"%s\n%s - %s - %d$",string,Jmeno(i),nadpis,Taxa[i]);
		if(strlen(string) < 1) return textdraw(playerid,"Nejsou vydane zadne noviny");
		else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,62,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Noviny",string,"OK","Nic
Such a form formats use functions in the mode frequently, but only in that the script has a problem

Messages In This Thread
Server runs but does not connect to it - by ATomas - 12.02.2012, 07:14
Re: Server runs but does not connect to it - by ATomas - 18.02.2012, 08:44

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