
How many objects is that? You may want to use Incognito's Streamer SA-MP has object limits, which will make half of your map missing. Then, convert it from CreateObject into Incognito's via And you've said you've mapped your exterior and interior together? I'd map them seperately, add the exterior objects to default world, and the interior into your desired Interior ID.

native CreateDynamicObject(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:distance = 200.0);
Once converted, use the native above. Edit all of the objects Interior ID's to 1 for instance. A teleport can be achieved by using a simple SetPlayerPos command.

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
     if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/myteleport") == 0) 
         SetPlayerPos(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z);
         SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 1); // the value next to playerid is your desired Interior ID.
         return 1;
     return 0;

Messages In This Thread
interior.... - by viddo - 17.02.2012, 22:34
Re: interior.... - by HighFlyer - 17.02.2012, 22:43
Re: interior.... - by MP2 - 17.02.2012, 22:43
Re: interior.... - by viddo - 17.02.2012, 23:03

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