13.02.2012, 13:44
I get this error sometimes in my script.
The server is crashed then :S
How i fix it?
[debug] Server crashed while executing RL.amx
[debug] Backtrace (most recent call first):
[debug] #0 native mysql_fetch_field() from mysql.DLL
[debug] #1 Float:GetMySQLField_Float(fieldname[]=@0x001f0a78 "EnterX", MySQL:handle=0)+0x60 at mysql.inc:80
[debug] #2 public cmd_function(playerid=2034296, params[]=@0x00000000 "")+0x2f0 at RL.pwn:3495
[debug] #3 native CallLocalFunction() from samp-server.exe
[debug] #4 public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid=2034296, cmdtext[]=@0x00000000 "")+0xffffcc30 at mysql.inc:80
Pls help me
The server is crashed then :S
How i fix it?
[debug] Server crashed while executing RL.amx
[debug] Backtrace (most recent call first):
[debug] #0 native mysql_fetch_field() from mysql.DLL
[debug] #1 Float:GetMySQLField_Float(fieldname[]=@0x001f0a78 "EnterX", MySQL:handle=0)+0x60 at mysql.inc:80
[debug] #2 public cmd_function(playerid=2034296, params[]=@0x00000000 "")+0x2f0 at RL.pwn:3495
[debug] #3 native CallLocalFunction() from samp-server.exe
[debug] #4 public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid=2034296, cmdtext[]=@0x00000000 "")+0xffffcc30 at mysql.inc:80
Pls help me