Anyway to make the player invisible?

Originally Posted by Lorenc_
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That's pretty interesting.

I can guide you to some possible steps out of that video:
  • Set the player about 1000 Z and save his previous Z
  • Give him a parachute
  • Interval a timer at 3000-4000
  • Inside the timer, use CreateExplosion about 2 minus the persons Z angle (Due to velocity, maybe even consider using getplayerxyinfrontofplayer)
  • Set player back at his previous position
Might not be helpful to you since you're experienced afaik


Spice it up by turning the created vehicles engine after!
I will note it down but I am looking for a system to make the player invisible eventually. Player also needs to be immune.

Messages In This Thread
Anyway to make the player invisible? - by T0pAz - 09.02.2012, 08:08
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by [Diablo] - 09.02.2012, 08:12
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by T0pAz - 09.02.2012, 08:15
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by [Diablo] - 09.02.2012, 08:42
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by T0pAz - 09.02.2012, 08:44
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by Lorenc_ - 09.02.2012, 09:07
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by T0pAz - 09.02.2012, 09:13
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by Lorenc_ - 09.02.2012, 09:22
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by T0pAz - 09.02.2012, 09:26
Re : Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by ricardo178 - 09.02.2012, 09:53

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