Anyway to make the player invisible?

That's pretty interesting.

I can guide you to some possible steps out of that video:
  • Set the player about 1000 Z and save his previous Z
  • Give him a parachute
  • Interval a timer at 3000-4000
  • Inside the timer, use CreateExplosion about 2 minus the persons Z angle (Due to velocity, maybe even consider using getplayerxyinfrontofplayer)
  • Set player back at his previous position
Might not be helpful to you since you're experienced afaik


Spice it up by turning the created vehicles engine after!

Messages In This Thread
Anyway to make the player invisible? - by T0pAz - 09.02.2012, 08:08
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by [Diablo] - 09.02.2012, 08:12
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by T0pAz - 09.02.2012, 08:15
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by [Diablo] - 09.02.2012, 08:42
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by T0pAz - 09.02.2012, 08:44
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by Lorenc_ - 09.02.2012, 09:07
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by T0pAz - 09.02.2012, 09:13
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by Lorenc_ - 09.02.2012, 09:22
Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by T0pAz - 09.02.2012, 09:26
Re : Re: Anyway to make the player invisible? - by ricardo178 - 09.02.2012, 09:53

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