in centos5 64bit can run samp server?

Thats not the problem you are running a 64 bit OS? Then you need to:

apt-get install ia32-libs

This will allow you to run 32bit programs on a 64bit system. Also, go to your server folder and type: chmod 755 *

NOTE: I can use some Reputation to launch my server advertisement. Yeah, dont know if its the same on Centos but thats the command to install on Debian anyways.. Have fun and good luck!

Messages In This Thread
in centos5 64bit can run samp server? - by yxliang - 07.02.2012, 06:48
AW: in centos5 64bit can run samp server? - by Tigerkiller - 07.02.2012, 11:28
Re: AW: in centos5 64bit can run samp server? - by yxliang - 07.02.2012, 15:05
Re: in centos5 64bit can run samp server? - by T0pAz - 07.02.2012, 15:12
Re: in centos5 64bit can run samp server? - by yxliang - 08.02.2012, 00:31
Re: in centos5 64bit can run samp server? - by Memoryz - 08.02.2012, 00:42
Re: in centos5 64bit can run samp server? - by yxliang - 09.02.2012, 03:35
Re: in centos5 64bit can run samp server? - by RPer - 09.02.2012, 03:48
Re: in centos5 64bit can run samp server? - by yxliang - 09.02.2012, 07:13
Re: in centos5 64bit can run samp server? - by CraZy_KiLLaH - 09.02.2012, 08:06

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