Where do I actually store this uhm?

I would put it where you're setting scores, if you have mulitple places just make a stock then use that line wherever its setting

If you're set on OnPlayerUpdate, simply add a new bool like,

pawn Code:
new bool:gotMessage1[MAX_PLAYERS] = false,
      bool:gotMessage2[MAX_PLAYERS] = false;
Then create an if statement inside of that checker like, if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) >= 11 && gotMessage1[playerid] == false) we would do stuff including setting gotmessage1 to true

Messages In This Thread
Where do I actually store this uhm? - by Twinki1993 - 09.02.2012, 02:33
Re: Where do I actually store this uhm? - by [ABK]Antonio - 09.02.2012, 03:32

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