Automaticaly spawn after login

Actualy i have more then 1 question, but i can only choose 1 Title...

Starting of main question:

(SOLVED) 1.) I'm useing Blank MySQL Gamemode by Markx but after register it oredring to "spawn". How can i make it automaticaly spawn without hiting the "Spawn" button below.
pawn Код:
SetSpawnInfo( playerid, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
at the end of "stock MySQL_Login(playerid)"

(SOLVED) 2.) I want to clear "<" ">" "Spawn" buttons from login screen. Have seen that many Gamemodes dont have it.

Under OnPlayerConnect

3.) How can i send login dialog after player have registed account?

Messages In This Thread
Automaticaly spawn after login - by ArmyOps - 08.02.2012, 17:00
Re: Automaticaly spawn after login - by Nonameman - 08.02.2012, 17:03
Re: Automaticaly spawn after login - by ArmyOps - 08.02.2012, 17:04
Re: Automaticaly spawn after login - by milanosie - 08.02.2012, 17:07
Re: Automaticaly spawn after login - by Nonameman - 08.02.2012, 17:14
Re: Automaticaly spawn after login - by ArmyOps - 08.02.2012, 17:19
Re: Automaticaly spawn after login - by ArmyOps - 08.02.2012, 18:24
Re: Automaticaly spawn after login - by MP2 - 08.02.2012, 19:20
Re: Automaticaly spawn after login - by Nonameman - 08.02.2012, 19:23
Re: Automaticaly spawn after login - by milanosie - 08.02.2012, 19:46

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