
Hy boys! I realy need a help with Creating a 3d text to player!!! I'm put in my script that if a player admin, on player spawn to set 3d text [ OSC ], and I'm put it under public OnPlayerSpawn()!!! But I have a problem. The 3dtext was attached suscesfuly, but if I go little away, the 3dtext of player will be show where is the playername!!!

But If I stand next to the player the 3dtext will be show normaly(how i set on x,y,z pos on Create3DTextForPlayer)


Messages In This Thread
[HELP] - by c0GI - 08.02.2012, 08:12
Re: [HELP] - by c0GI - 08.02.2012, 08:29
Re: [HELP] - by c0GI - 08.02.2012, 13:12
Re: [HELP] - by Champ - 08.02.2012, 14:21

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