format + float + Linux = Ё%*@#(!*Ё!@

pawn Код:
new Float:Objective = GetVictimsTotalHealth(playerid), Float:Hits = GetAmountTakenFromVictims(playerid), Float:Result;
Result = floatmul(floatdiv(Hits, Objective), 100.0);
format(str[1], sizeof str[], "~n~Victims -- (Hits percent: %.1f):", Result);
On the host, when I try to show these things in a textdraw it appears wrong, a lot of strong symbols like: @(Ё#!&#ЁЁ!, on Windows(my PC) it works perfectly.

Messages In This Thread
format + float + Linux = Ё%*@#(!*Ё!@ - by CyNiC - 05.02.2012, 12:05
Re: format + float + Linux = Ё%*@#(!*Ё!@ - by ғαιιοцт - 05.02.2012, 12:17
Re: format + float + Linux = Ё%*@#(!*Ё!@ - by FireCat - 05.02.2012, 12:30
Re: format + float + Linux = Ё%*@#(!*Ё!@ - by CyNiC - 05.02.2012, 12:39
Re: format + float + Linux = Ё%*@#(!*Ё!@ - by ғαιιοцт - 05.02.2012, 13:24
Re: format + float + Linux = Ё%*@#(!*Ё!@ - by T0pAz - 05.02.2012, 13:35
Re: format + float + Linux = Ё%*@#(!*Ё!@ - by CyNiC - 05.02.2012, 13:55
Re: format + float + Linux = Ё%*@#(!*Ё!@ - by Kar - 05.02.2012, 14:23
Re: format + float + Linux = Ё%*@#(!*Ё!@ - by T0pAz - 05.02.2012, 14:25
Re: format + float + Linux = Ё%*@#(!*Ё!@ - by CyNiC - 05.02.2012, 14:59

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