MySQL why closes connection ...

Could it be your database closing the connection? If you can, check the log for the actual MySQL server...

Otherwise, it's probably a query you have running that's causing the connection to terminate. It's best to log everything, especially when debugging things like this. Check your server logs and see if something stands out to you!

Messages In This Thread
MySQL why closes connection ... - by Tigerkiller - 04.02.2012, 13:23
Re: MySQL why closes connection ... - by Scenario - 04.02.2012, 13:25
AW: MySQL why closes connection ... - by Tigerkiller - 04.02.2012, 13:31
Re: AW: MySQL why closes connection ... - by Scenario - 04.02.2012, 13:59
AW: MySQL why closes connection ... - by Tigerkiller - 04.02.2012, 15:06
Re: AW: MySQL why closes connection ... - by Scenario - 04.02.2012, 15:16
AW: MySQL why closes connection ... - by Tigerkiller - 04.02.2012, 15:24
Re: AW: MySQL why closes connection ... - by Scenario - 04.02.2012, 15:28

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