needing Anti-Team Killing

Option #1, and recommended - using SetPlayerTeam.
Option #2 is as someone said above my post, you can detect TK in OnPlayerTake/GiveDamage, for example:
pawn Код:
// under OnPlayerGiveDamage
if(gTeam[killerid] == gTeam[playerid])
    new Float:h;
I'm not really sure if it's gonna work well, but that's the basic code.

Messages In This Thread
needing Anti-Team Killing - by Maftaca - 03.02.2012, 03:12
Re: needing Anti-Team Killing - by [HiC]TheKiller - 03.02.2012, 03:13
Re: needing Anti-Team Killing - by Maftaca - 03.02.2012, 03:14
Re: needing Anti-Team Killing - by MP2 - 03.02.2012, 08:20
Re: needing Anti-Team Killing - by Maftaca - 03.02.2012, 15:37
Re: needing Anti-Team Killing - by MP2 - 03.02.2012, 15:39
Re: needing Anti-Team Killing - by Maftaca - 03.02.2012, 16:26
Re: needing Anti-Team Killing - by MR.T[NL] - 03.02.2012, 20:53
Re: needing Anti-Team Killing - by Amit_B - 04.02.2012, 00:22

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