[im new with server !!!] need help with creat gamemods (maps) and some cmds|/help-/rules-/sf...

Hi All im new with server !!! I want creat my own server but some i dont know :

1) how to build maps for server | gamemod | i want build maps and stunt and another area and but it in my server and play it ?||||||| How To Do That ?>>>>>> and i use MTA but i still didn't know !!!


2) How To make teleports and ( teleports to place you will get weapon example : like minigun you will get the gun with amoo |

and why this /teleport didnt work /?

PHP код:
if (!strcmp(cmdtext"/sf2"true))
//C = SetTimerEx("CargandoMapa", 1000, 1,"e",playerid);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid"~<~ ~b~LOS ~r~SANTOS ~>~"50003);
    if (!
And why didnt this cmd run ?

PHP код:
if (strcmp cmd,"shelp"true)==|| strcmp (cmd"/shelp"true)==0)
SendMessage(playeridCOLOR_BLANCO"                            ||shelp||");
SendMessage(playeridCOLOR_VERDECLARO,"1.For Commands Use /cmds And /cmds2");
SendMessage(playeridCOLOR_VERDECLARO,"2.For rules use /srules");
SendMessage(playeridCOLOR_VERDECLARO,"3.For teleports use /teles");
SendMessage(playeridCOLOR_VERDECLARO,"4.For Dm Zone Use /teles2 And /dm);
    SendMessage(playerid, COLOR_VERDECLARO,"
5.For health and armour use /heal and /armour");
    SendMessage(playerid, COLOR_VERDECLARO,"
6.If you see Hacker Use /report");
    SendMessage(playerid, COLOR_VERDECLARO,"
7.For special messenge use /pm");
    SendMessage(playerid, COLOR_VERDECLARO,"
8.Only Admin : /adminhc");
    SendMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLANCO, "                            
    return 1;} 

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