Could i do this on my SA-MP server? (UNANSWERED)



Extract the files to your 'pawno/include' folder, then in your script you put: #include <Damage>, and you are ready to use it.

You can also change some configuration opening and tweak it to your taste.

You must include those callbacks, if you don't, you will get an error message.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerShotVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
    //your code here...
    printf("playerid %d is shooting vehicleid %d", playerid, vehicleid);
    return 1;

public OnPlayerUnShotVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
    //your code here...
    printf("playerid %d stopped shooting vehicleid %d", playerid, vehicleid);
    return 1;
You will have to add this under their respective callbacks:

pawn Код:
D_OnPlayerConnect(playerid); //Under OnPlayerConnect
D_OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid); //Under OnPlayerDisconnect
D_OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys); //Under OnPlayerKeyStateChange
That's all, if you don't put it, it won't work and it will give you some warnings.

There he tell it.

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