Textdraw problem

Hi, I have made a filterscript that shows the player's vehicle health,
but I have a little problem.
When only one player is in a vehicle, it works perfectly,
but if two or more players are in a vehicle, the textdraw starts to flash.
I think I'm doing something wrong, but I can't find out what.
Any ideas?

new Text:Text;
new Float:VehicleHealth;
new string[128];

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
	if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) == 1)
		new VehicleID = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
		GetVehicleHealth(VehicleID, VehicleHealth);
        	VehicleHealth = floatround(VehicleHealth / 10, floatround_round);
		format(string,sizeof(string), "%0.0f%%", VehicleHealth);
		Text = TextDrawCreate(5, 433, string);
		TextDrawSetShadow(Text, 0);
		TextDrawUseBox(Text, 1);
		TextDrawBoxColor(Text, 0x202020FF);
		TextDrawTextSize(Text, 48, 0);
  		if(VehicleHealth <= 100) TextDrawColor(Text,0x00FF00FF);
		if(VehicleHealth < 90) TextDrawColor(Text,0x40FF00FF);
  		if(VehicleHealth < 80) TextDrawColor(Text,0x80FF00FF);
  		if(VehicleHealth < 70) TextDrawColor(Text,0xC0FF00FF);
 		if(VehicleHealth < 60) TextDrawColor(Text,0xFFFF00FF);
 		if(VehicleHealth < 50) TextDrawColor(Text,0xFFC000FF);
		if(VehicleHealth < 40) TextDrawColor(Text,0xFF8000FF);
		if(VehicleHealth < 30) TextDrawColor(Text,0xFF4000FF);
		if(VehicleHealth < 25) TextDrawColor(Text,0xFF0000FF);
		TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Text);
	if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) == 0) TextDrawDestroy(Text);
	return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Textdraw problem - by Superthijs - 28.01.2012, 09:41
Re : Textdraw problem - by Gagi_Corleone - 28.01.2012, 10:07
Re: Textdraw problem - by Superthijs - 28.01.2012, 10:13
AW: Textdraw problem - by Nero_3D - 28.01.2012, 10:45

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