The most annoying error i ever seen


[14:51:12] [debug] [irc.amx]:     public OnGameModeInit()
[14:51:12] [debug] [irc.amx]:   File 'C:\Users\Justin\Documents\RXDM\pawno\include\'
[14:51:12] [debug] [irc.amx]:   Some or all frames are missing
[14:51:12] [debug] [irc.amx]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[14:51:12] [debug] [irc.amx]:   IRC_ReplyCTCP
[14:51:12] [debug] [irc.amx]:   IRC_SetIntData
[14:51:12] [debug] [irc.amx]:   These natives are not registered:
[14:51:12] [debug] [irc.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[14:51:12] [debug] [irc.amx]: During execution of OnGameModeInit():
Trying to add irc into a new gamemode im making. I've tried the following to fix this:
- Reuploading the newest version of sa-mp 0.3d
- Reuploading the newest plugin
- I have also tried switching the irc code between the gamemode and a filterscript.

This is not related to any code - that is not the reason i am getting this error.

Running Linux (volt)

Messages In This Thread
The most annoying error i ever seen - by CJ101 - 19.01.2012, 20:54
Re: The most annoying error i ever seen - by Silentfood - 20.01.2012, 08:44
Re: The most annoying error i ever seen - by CJ101 - 20.01.2012, 19:25

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